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/ Belgian Amiga Club - ADF Collection / BS1 part 60.zip / BS1 part 60 / Sim life d2.adf / fonts / geneva / 9 / geneva-9.otf (.png)
OpenType Font  |  1993-07-08  |  19KB
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OCR: abcd efahijk1rnnoparstuvwxy ABCDEF GHIJELMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123466 1#+ ? ;/? The quick brown fox jumps over the laz'y dog. The CuicK brown fox jurmps the The CuiCK OWn fox jurmnps the 1azy 36 The uiCK the 137 48 TFE CLiCH 60 iL7 HLTCF StLvWY7 ABCDEFGHIJELMN 0123466785 lazy AZEL browr CuiCH jurm7pS